Thursday, January 24, 2008


So I heard some media analyst state that he knew Heath Ledger was depressed and probably suicidal because he appeared unkempt and edgy during an interview six weeks ago.
Wow, he really predicted the future didn't he? A good thing he really went out of his way to make sure his buddy Heath got into a great health care facility...ooooh right..he was a reporter who didn't give a shit and is making up bullshit so he can look really important on the television.

Congratulations CNN
day 1 Heath Ledger found naked and unresponsive on the floor, covered in pills , prescription and over the counter in Mary Kate Olsen's apartment. Housekeeper called 911.
day 2 found sort of maybe naked in his own bed in his own apartment, prescription pills were actually in the bathroom with none missing. Housekeeper called 911. A rolled up dollar bill was found in the room.
day 3 still dead, no drugs found on bill, prescriptions all legal. Was actually declared in his bed....not "unresponsive". Masseuse found body and called one of the Olsen twins for instructions????????????????????? for what? hiding the body? wtf?
Olsen twin says "call 911 asshat".
Tomorrow we will find out there was no housekeeper, it was the wrong Olsen twin and he was killed by the mafia.

And half of middle America believes everything the media tells them.

The death of Heath Ledger tragedy though it is for his family and friends is also something else. It is a wake up call to the gullible mouth breathers we call voters. It has demonstrated how the press works. The media picks the story it wants to tell and it never allows facts to get in it's way. It shivers and squats at the sound of " this is just wild speculation but.."

This is how the US ended up in Iraq, this is why the US is throwing itself face first into a recession.
The media gave you your dreams, that big house, the two new cars. The media didn't care how you paid for them except it yearned to hear that you robbed a bank or you were thrown onto the street homeless with 2.5 children and a big black lab. Both would make lovely one minute filler strips to the news.

I can hear the whispering, the grumbling..the media can't do all that, where is the personal responsibility....
Yes, where is the responsibility?

Who is responsible for the definitions in our small corner of the world? Who tells us we are successful?Pretty? Smart?
Do we get to write those down for ourselves or are they already listed? Sexiest Man Alive, Forbes Top 100....
Do you see yourself in the pictures?
Not yet right?
Just as soon as you make a little more money, get that better job, get on that diet, lose those 20lbs, buy that car, build that home....
just as soon as you do what the media tells you to do right?
Only then.....
I have a head ache.

Is it just me or does Obama have dead, shark eyes?
Look closely, his face makes all the right moves but that smile never reaches his eyes. He seems just a trifle pissed off, like a kid with high expectations that just got a slap of reality and really, really didn't like it. Crossing Obama may be a little more dangerous than previously thought.
I do not like those eyes though. This guy is much too young to have that look.


At 10:06 PM, Blogger Noella said...

Thank you for your timely comments on the headlines made by media following Heath Ledger's death. This kind of reporting must cause family and loved ones untold grief.

Recently our own newspaper (his own home town, Perth, Western Australia) alleged that it had been reported that Heath had smoked 5 joints of marijuana a day for the last 20 years. Considering he was 29 when he died, he 'must' have started when he was 9! Not a bad career for someone who was supposedly so spaced out as a child and for the greater part of his life!!

This certainly belies the tens of tributes from family, friends and the community organizations who watched Heath grow up and build his career, which still appear daily in the obituaries column of the same paper!


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